From: "Frank W. Josellis" <> Subject: ubench results Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 23:30:51 +0200 (CEST) System: ------- OS: Linux 2.4.5 (Slackware 8.0) CPU: 1 x AMD Athlon 1200 MHz L1 cache: 128K L2 cache: 256K Memory: 512M (PC2100) Results: -------- Ubench CPU: 58359 Ubench MEM: 79203 -------------------- Ubench AVG: 68781 These benchmarks were obtained using egcs-2.91.66. The optimizer flag was set to -O (rather than the default -O2) which actually increased the ubench index. (Likewise, on an AMD K6-2, ubench performed somewhat better if compiled with the -O flag.) Regards, Frank Josellis