Hi there. I hope this email address is still valid :)

I've tried 'ubench' tool, and I've decided to send you 3 results (too
lazy to run on all the boxes in the lab :)

I've also tried to compile on Solaris 7 (Sparc), but the bench utilities
exited with errors (cpubench with 'error 11', and membench with 'error
20'). Pitty...

Another question: do you know why 'Ubench MEM' result is so much higher
under FreeBSD (as comparing to Linux)?

Keep up the good work.

Vanja Hrustic
The Relay Group
Technology Ahead of Time

OS: Linux (RH 6.1)
RAM: 64Mb
CPU: 1 x K6-2 450MHz

# uname -a
Linux  2.2.15pre17 #1 Wed Apr 12 19:23:19 ICT 2000 i586 unknown
# ./ubench
Unix Benchmark Utility v.0.3
Copyright (C) July, 1999 PhysTech, Inc.
Author: Sergei Viznyuk 
Linux 2.2.15pre17 #1 Wed Apr 12 19:23:19 ICT 2000 i586
Ubench CPU:    22828
Ubench MEM:     2011
Ubench AVG:    12419

OS: Linux (RH 6.1)
RAM: 256Mb
CPU: 2 x P3 450MHz

# uname -a
Linux  2.2.13 #2 SMP Thu Nov 11 04:39:40 ICT 1999 i686 unknown
# ./ubench
Unix Benchmark Utility v.0.3
Copyright (C) July, 1999 PhysTech, Inc.
Author: Sergei Viznyuk 
Linux 2.2.13 #2 SMP Thu Nov 11 04:39:40 ICT 1999 i686
Ubench CPU:    56452
Ubench MEM:     5885
Ubench AVG:    31168

RAM: 128Mb
CPU: 1 x K6-2 350MHz

# uname -a
FreeBSD  3.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE #1: Wed Mar 15
19:13:42 ICT 2000
# ./ubench
Unix Benchmark Utility v.0.3
Copyright (C) July, 1999 PhysTech, Inc.
Author: Sergei Viznyuk 
FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE #1: Wed Mar i386
Ubench CPU:    14912
Ubench MEM:    12210
Ubench AVG:    13561