The corrbits calculates bitwise correlation metrics, bit counts, and
evaluates thermodynamic properties of binary strings. Please see corrbits documentation
in PDF format for complete reference.
- Viznyuk S. 2010 Thermodynamic properties of finite binary strings
- Viznyuk S. 2010 Condensation into ground state in binary string models
- Viznyuk S. 2008 Use of self-correlation metrics for evaluation of information properties of binary strings
- Cover, Thomas M., Thomas, Joy A. 2006 Elements of information theory. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 13 978 0 471 24195 9.
- Shannon, C.E. 1948 A Mathematical Theory of Communication. The Bell System Technical Journal 27, 379-423, 623-656.
Usage: corrbits
[-acdepsw] [-n threads] [-b buffer_size_bytes]
[-B begin_bit] [-E end_bit] [-m m_bit_len] [-l c_bit_len]
[-F first_result_set] [-L last_result_set] [-i interval_bits]
[-o off_bits] [-j jump_bits] [-P probability]
[-G factor] [file1] [file2]
[-n threads] option requires license key
corrbits executables available for download:
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